It is only two years ago that the rather youthful Hamish Scott was trying to fly a Blade 400 Helicopter inverted. Today he is right at the top of the ladder in this country as a model helicopter aerobatic pilot and he demonstrated his enormous skills in this art at ETSA Park tonight.

My first picture shows Matthew Waye,
Model Flight’s test pilot of new models, cradling the latest in micro aerobatic helis; the
Blade mCP X. The second picture shows the degree of concentration he was using to display this latest model which is available from
Model Flight and we all watched in amazement at the capabilities of both model and pilot.
A little later in the night, after recharging the power supply for the
baby Blade, Matty handed the transmitter to Hamish who immediately zapped away, inverted of course, at a terrifying speed and followed this by showing us, if we could follow it at such a rapid rate, just what this tiny aircraft could do in the hands of the Number One. It was an amazing display that those who were sufficiently fortunate to witness, will retain memories of that exhibition for some time to come. Thank you Hamish.

As you can see, there was quite a good gathering of both fliers and spectators, with 17 paying pilots helping to raise a smile on the face of the S.S.L. treasurer’s face and, perhaps, that was why Jenni was concentrating so hard so as not to disgrace herself whilst flying the little yellow Channuk. It is great that Jenni is still able to represent the ladies of “our mob” although she is really the only active female pilot that flies at ETSA these days. Her husband, Klaus, on the other hand, looking quite relaxed as he took over the tranny of the delightful little four-rotor yellow bird although I think the gentleman, whilst leaning over his shoulder may have been telling Klaus that gentlemen usually stood up, when in action.
My final picky is of a very jovial trio in Vince (aka Viney), Jamie and Peter (aka The Lollyman) and I could not help but wonder what it was that threw them into fits of laughter, and who said it. I must point out here that both Vince and Peter invested in a “
4-Site” earlier in the day and were having a most enjoyable evening with their new models. Yes, dear readers, I said “were.” It was soon after their “moments of mirth” that Vince, whilst flying in the darker side of Court 4, was involved in a gigantic mid-air with Steve and his helicopter. What had, just a flash of an eye previously been a delightful little
4-Site, was now a heap of tiny pieces of multicoloured foam, the largest of which was smaller than the smile on his face just moments earlier. It was shocking bad luck for Vince and the action of that crash hi-lighted the worst part of Court 4. It is right at the bottom end of the 4-court stadium and by the time that we are the only group in action, the remaining lights over the other courts had been turned off. As Vince said, in an attempt to ease the hurt of his loss, “Its pretty dark over here!”
I do hope you can take communion with us again on the 17th March at ETSA Park Netball Stadium, Railway Terrace, Mile End when, as always, it will only cost you ten dollars to fly and absolutely nothing to spend an enjoyable, relaxed evening as a spectator. May I see you then?