A disappointing night was ahead for all those dedicated indoor fliers who turned up for our October Indoor meeting for the air was filled with, rather than model aeroplanes – balls! Yes, ETSA Park was hosting a round of the Masters Games Table Tennis Championships and, as far as the eye could see, every square inch of the floor space was occupied by a table tennis table. Many of our regulars arrived expecting to fly, only to be turned away at the door.
It was disappointing for Mike and The Phoenix because these activities have been proceeding for a couple of weeks, or more and, even though we had pre-booked the stadium for the third Thursday of each month, throughout the year, no one at ETSA had seen fit to advise us of the cancellation. Peter, from Naracoorte had been in Model Flight’s retail shop at 130 Goodwood Road and, hearing of the indoor meet that night, had delayed his return home to join us. He was one of many who were turned away.
We have always maintained that the Indoor Movement is the “poor cousin” when speaking of booking contracts with ETSA Park and that Netball S.A. always has first option and we religiously respect that but, THIS WAS NOT NETBALL!
Even though we are a comparatively small group of people who are involved in our indoor flying sport, we were treated in a fairly callous manner in not being advised of the cancellation. Mike and I apologise to all those who came along on this unfortunate night and we can only hope that there is not a repeat performance.
Hang in there dear friends – sincerely – “The Phoenix.”
Monday, October 24, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
What is AS3X?
AS3X™ System delivers breakthrough performance for UMX™ airplanes and the freedom a pilot can use to experience RC flight that’s more enjoyable than ever dreamed possible. The Horizon Hobby world-class team of RC pilots developed the AS3X System exclusively for airplanes based on the successful use of AS3X with ultra micro flybarless helicopters.
An industry-first, AS3X technology in UMX airplanes is exciting because it helps the pilot focus more on the thrill of being the pilot of an expertly tuned airplane, rather than working to stay in smooth control. No longer will you have to deal intensely with flight complications such as turbulence, torque and tip stalls. All you feel is ultra-smooth control — even outdoors in moderate wind — so that you’re allowed to naturally experience exhilarating aircraft agility that will allow you to quickly build skills as an RC pilot.
E-flite introduces the radical AS3X System with three acclaimed airplanes that demonstrate the inspiring potential of this exclusive technology. Enhanced with the AS3X System the Beast 3D®, Hyper Taxi™, and Gee Bee® R2 UMX models are the friendliest airplanes ever offered in their class, yet are more capable and fun to fly than ever dreamed possible. Each is painstakingly tuned so that you enjoy that best flight, every flight.
AS3X will innovate the way you’ll want to fly now and in the future.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Indoor at ETSA Park – September 29th.
This was a special night, for we of the Indoor Flying Movement became an integral part of the famous Bay to Birdwood Motor Rally. With over 1800 Entries it has become the largest event of its type in the world and, for the first time in its history, we were one of their subsidiary events, known as “Cruising Classics.” We wanted this to be a night to remember and with the main highlight of our programme being Hamish Scott and his Blade 450 helicopter with a fascinating programme of full-on aerobatics, it was just that for nearly 90 people who had not witnessed this type of flying, either indoor or outside, before. Hamish wowed them in the aisles. To watch Hamish in action you can view the video here:

Special homage and appreciation was paid to the O’Reilly family for their dedication to indoor flying, beginning many years ago with rubber-powered models to ultra modern fixed-wing and helicopters of composite materials and the infamous 2 Ghz frequency of today.
My first picture shows a family group engrossed in every movement of the two micro helicopters that were being put through their paces so expertly by both Hamish Scott and Matthew Waye – they tried hard not to miss a single manoeuvre and, with the manner in which these two pilots were flying, that was nigh impossible. The concentration by both Hamish and Matty is depicted in my next picture.
When the Whiteline 3-1/2 metre long Road Train’s 48 wheels had come to a stop, and its one thousand dollar surreal sound system had rested, Hamish demonstrated his superb control of the Blade 450 by making a delightful landing on the roof of the road train’s refrigerator trailer. An act that met with much applause from the most grateful audience, both young and old.
By this time in the evening, the younger set were as excited as though they were awaiting the arrival of Father Christmas on December 25. Through the generosity of Model Flight with the donation of a radio-controlled Mini Cooper as a Door Prize, it was nearly time for the draw. Our good friend, Simon Morris had issued all people with a ticket in this prize on their arrival at the Netball Stadium, later confirming that he had greeted 73 people with a ticket. It was most fitting that the prize should be a Mini Cooper, for the favoured make of car in the large rally this year was, in fact, the Mini Cooper as it was the 50th Anniversary of their release to the World. My final picture is that of the winners, Geoff and Cynthia Chase of Colonel Light Gardens and, although it was disappointing for the keen youngsters who had hoped for a win, Geoff and Cynthia had entered and competed in each of the 11 Special Events, as well as the actual B to B Rally.
The 20-plus fliers who turned up on the night have my sincere thanks for their efforts on the night, for we truly gave the non-flying mob a night to remember. Maybe we can do it again in two years time for the next Classic Bay to Birdwood Motor Rally and its followers.
A huge thank you from – The Phoenix.
Special homage and appreciation was paid to the O’Reilly family for their dedication to indoor flying, beginning many years ago with rubber-powered models to ultra modern fixed-wing and helicopters of composite materials and the infamous 2 Ghz frequency of today.
My first picture shows a family group engrossed in every movement of the two micro helicopters that were being put through their paces so expertly by both Hamish Scott and Matthew Waye – they tried hard not to miss a single manoeuvre and, with the manner in which these two pilots were flying, that was nigh impossible. The concentration by both Hamish and Matty is depicted in my next picture.
When the Whiteline 3-1/2 metre long Road Train’s 48 wheels had come to a stop, and its one thousand dollar surreal sound system had rested, Hamish demonstrated his superb control of the Blade 450 by making a delightful landing on the roof of the road train’s refrigerator trailer. An act that met with much applause from the most grateful audience, both young and old.
The 20-plus fliers who turned up on the night have my sincere thanks for their efforts on the night, for we truly gave the non-flying mob a night to remember. Maybe we can do it again in two years time for the next Classic Bay to Birdwood Motor Rally and its followers.
A huge thank you from – The Phoenix.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Announcing the New Losi 1/14 Mini 8IGHT RC buggy!
When it comes to 1/8-scale off-road buggies, few cars have had the success of the Team Losi Racing™ 8IGHT™ buggy. We've seen the 8IGHT-platform re-imaged as the 1/10-scale TEN-T, TEN-SCTE and 810, and blown up in size for the 1/5-scale 5IVE-T, but there's one scale that the 8IGHT has never been adapted to—the sub-1/10-scale. That is, until now. Losi has taken the 8IGHT-platform and seemingly hit it with a shrink ray to create what could possibly be the best-handling, best-performing mini ever produced—the Losi® Mini-8IGHT.
Combining the exceptional suspension geometry of the 8IGHT with an all-new electric-specific drive train layout that has been optimized for brushless motors means there's a lot of new development and design that has gone into the Mini-8IGHT. The Mini-8IGHT features super-thick, threaded body, aluminum, oil-filled shocks, a slipper clutch-equipped driveline, aluminum front and rear shock towers, a powerful 4500Kv brushless motor and a refined brushless ESC to make this one super performer. You may recognize Keith Whisler as the man behind such vehicles as the XXX-SCB and Mini SCT. He's back again, this time taking on the 1/14-scale Mini-8IGHT. We quizzed Keith on the ins and outs of the Mini-8IGHT, how it handles and how it will perform on-track.
You can also watch this awesome little buggy in action here:
Friday, September 9, 2011
Introducing the NEW E-flite F-4 Phantom DF 32 RC Jet
The E-flite Platinum Series F-4 Phantom 32 DF brings the breathtaking military aviation triumph to life as an impressive electric sport jet that’s got big-dog performance and innovative features that will have you “calling the ball” with confidence, and cruising the blue skies on a regular mission schedule.
When you equip your F-4 Phantom 32 DF RC Jet with the high-performance E-flite Delta-V 32 fan power system, you’ll experience top-level performance without sacrificing sport convenience. So you’ll be out flying like a jet-jock more often and spending less time struggling at the workbench.
- Bolt-in easy E-flite electric 15–25 retract option
- Functional flaps
- Prepainted fiberglass fuselage
- Bifurcated intake and exhaust engineered for best performance
- Fully-sheeted removable wings with carbon blade spars
- Large front and rear magnetic access hatches
- Authentic looking six-color scale USN Sundowner trim scheme
- Full-flying stabilators with hidden internal linkages
- Wings and stabilizers covered in genuine UltraCote Covering
- Cockpit deck included for optional interior detail
Welcome to the 4WD Big Leagues - NEW Losi 5IVE-T 1/5-scale SCT
Find out more at www.modelflight.com.au and check out this video from our test drive in the US:
Monday, September 5, 2011
A Half-Ounce Powerhouse; The Blade Scout CX Beginner RC Helicopter
"A Half-Ounce Powerhouse"
Monday, August 22, 2011
Its still cold at ETSA Park in August but.... WHAT A CROWD!
When I arrived at ETSA Park for tonight’s indoor flying entertainment, the Duty Manager told me that we would be flying on Court One. This was good news as it became a rehearsal for our “big night” in September. As we are a part of The Bay To Birdwood motoring event’s Cruising Classic Programme we are staging what has been officially billed as “Night Fliers On Parade” and, to fit in with the Birdwood organizers, we had to change our September night to the last Thursday night, the 29th rather than the usual third Thursday. With both of our leading aerobatic helicopter pilots, namely Hamish Scott and Matthew Waye appearing on that night, we are hoping for a bumper harvest of supporting pilots and their models to boost our programme so that we can entertain, what we hope will be, a large gathering of spectators.
To lift the entertainment value even higher, we would also like to see four-wheel-drive vehicles (the slippery floor is not kind to two-wheel force) and the Whiteline Road Train will perform, together with its fascinating electronic sound system. As the Duty Manager, due to work pressure, had forgotten all about us, we were so well behaved of course, we found ourselves with all four courts with full lighting all night and this quite successfully hid the fact that we had one of our two best flying numbers (24 in all) not only actively engaged, but, actively engaged over a large flying area which added to the overall safety. As a result of the extra space, I do not recall a single mid-air all night.
I have included only one picture in this month’s story and that is of Model Flight Staffer, Brenton, with the very latest to come from the Parkzone stable, the delightful looking UM F27Q Stryker 180 – a long, long title for such a baby? At the RRP of $179.99 from Model Flight’s Goodwood Road store it shows the way to flying one of the slickest aircraft in the micro group that have become so popular of late. It was a little disappointing in that, having spent some time in marrying the new model to his Transmitter, he was to discover that he needed more time than was available to set up this little aircraft and with a slight fault in the rudder mechanism, Brenton did not want to just give a part display in which he may have not been in full control or at full speed.
The good news in this portion of my epistle is that we will NOW see the Stryker make its debut when the night fliers are on parade. Don’t miss it. I shall leave it up to the discretion of our Web-Mistress or Master to insert my picture of Brenton just wherever he/she sees fit. In closing this month’s rather brief interlude, please stay with me as I remind you all that for us, it is Thursday as usual – the only exception is that our September flying night will be on the 29th and that all fees remain unchanged. Here’s a wee secret … the motoring people who are going to fill the galleries will be paying $5 – the small fee going to a charity of the Birdwood people’s choice, whereas our usual spectators will visit for free. I wish you all happy and exotic flying.
To lift the entertainment value even higher, we would also like to see four-wheel-drive vehicles (the slippery floor is not kind to two-wheel force) and the Whiteline Road Train will perform, together with its fascinating electronic sound system. As the Duty Manager, due to work pressure, had forgotten all about us, we were so well behaved of course, we found ourselves with all four courts with full lighting all night and this quite successfully hid the fact that we had one of our two best flying numbers (24 in all) not only actively engaged, but, actively engaged over a large flying area which added to the overall safety. As a result of the extra space, I do not recall a single mid-air all night.
I have included only one picture in this month’s story and that is of Model Flight Staffer, Brenton, with the very latest to come from the Parkzone stable, the delightful looking UM F27Q Stryker 180 – a long, long title for such a baby? At the RRP of $179.99 from Model Flight’s Goodwood Road store it shows the way to flying one of the slickest aircraft in the micro group that have become so popular of late. It was a little disappointing in that, having spent some time in marrying the new model to his Transmitter, he was to discover that he needed more time than was available to set up this little aircraft and with a slight fault in the rudder mechanism, Brenton did not want to just give a part display in which he may have not been in full control or at full speed.
The good news in this portion of my epistle is that we will NOW see the Stryker make its debut when the night fliers are on parade. Don’t miss it. I shall leave it up to the discretion of our Web-Mistress or Master to insert my picture of Brenton just wherever he/she sees fit. In closing this month’s rather brief interlude, please stay with me as I remind you all that for us, it is Thursday as usual – the only exception is that our September flying night will be on the 29th and that all fees remain unchanged. Here’s a wee secret … the motoring people who are going to fill the galleries will be paying $5 – the small fee going to a charity of the Birdwood people’s choice, whereas our usual spectators will visit for free. I wish you all happy and exotic flying.
The Phoenix
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Announcing the E-flite Carbon-Z Scimitar RC Plane
Features of this great new rc plane are:
- Dual rudder and vectored-thrust control on the yaw axis
- Exceptionally strong and lightweight Carbon-Z structure
- Digital high-speed servos installed
- Single screw access to the electronic equipment
- Effective front and side cooling inlets with interior venting
- High-quality socket-head hardware throughout
- Distinctive color scheme for superior visibility
- Ready to accept optional E-flite electric retracts (EFLG110)
- All components, including the nose and control surfaces, are easily replaceable
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
ParkZone Pole Cat Tail Replacement How To
ParkZone Pole Cat Tail Replacement How To by John Redman
The Ultra Micro Series Pole Cat Pylon Racer is modeled after the modified Cassutt Formula 1 air racers that compete in the world famous Reno Air Race. It's been specially designed to deliver all the looks and thrills of these Reno speedsters yet remain as forgiving as any sport rc plane. Whether you're banking and yanking around the pylons with the throttle wide open, unwinding with some sport aerobatics, or simply shooting touch and goes, the Ultra-Micro Pole Cat is a joy to fly at any speed.
This How-To Tail Replacement video will help you better understand what you need to do to replace the tail on your Pole Cat. We walk you through the steps explaining exactly what to do and when to do it. This tutorial should help you replace the tail on your Ultra Micro Pole Cat in just a few short minutes in the work shop.
This How-To Tail Replacement video will help you better understand what you need to do to replace the tail on your Pole Cat. We walk you through the steps explaining exactly what to do and when to do it. This tutorial should help you replace the tail on your Ultra Micro Pole Cat in just a few short minutes in the work shop.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
How-To Replace the ParkZone Pole Cat's Main Wing
Changing the Wing on Your ParkZone Pole Cat by John Redman
The Ultra Micro Series Pole Cat RC Plane is modeled after the modified Cassutt Formula 1 air racers that compete in the world famous Reno Air Race. It's been specially designed to deliver all the looks and thrills of these Reno speedsters yet remain as forgiving as any sport plane. Whether you're banking and yanking around the pylons with the throttle wide open, unwinding with some sport aerobatics, or simply shooting touch and goes, the Pole Cat is a joy to fly at any speed.
This How-To Wing Replacement video will help you better understand what you need to do to replace the wing on your Pole Cat. We walk you through the steps explaining exactly what to do and when to do it. This tutorial should help you replace the wing on your Ultra Micro Pole Cat in just a few short minutes in the work shop.
This How-To Wing Replacement video will help you better understand what you need to do to replace the wing on your Pole Cat. We walk you through the steps explaining exactly what to do and when to do it. This tutorial should help you replace the wing on your Ultra Micro Pole Cat in just a few short minutes in the work shop.
Monday, August 15, 2011
How To Replace the Receiver and Gearbox in the ParkZone Pole Cat
ParkZone Pole Cat RX Board/Motor Gearbox Replacement How To by John Redman
The Ultra Micro Series Pole Cat is a great new RC Plane modeled after the modified Cassutt Formula 1 air racers that compete in the world famous Reno Air Race. It's been specially designed to deliver all the looks and thrills of these Reno speedsters yet remain as forgiving as any sport plane. Whether you're banking and yanking around the pylons with the throttle wide open, unwinding with some sport aerobatics, or simply shooting touch and goes, the Pole Cat is a joy to fly at any speed.
This How-To Receiver Board/Motor Gearbox Replacement video will help you better understand what you need to do to replace the receiver board and motor/gearbox on your Pole Cat Electric RC Plane. We walk you through the steps explaining exactly what to do and when to do it. This tutorial should help you replace the receiver board and motor/gearbox on your Ultra Micro Pole Cat in just a few short minutes in the work shop...
Stryker 180 Vs Sbach 342
Thanks to chuck for sending us this video of the Parkzone Stryker 180 and Sbach 342....here's what he had to say about them:
Friday, August 12, 2011
Team Losi Racing 22T Stadium Truck Preview
Team Losi Racing completely changed the landscape of 1/10-scale electric off-road racing in December of 2010 with the debut of the 22 2WD Buggy. From its aluminum chassis, sliding rack steering system, big bore shocks and mid- or rear-motor configuration, the 22 RC Buggy was dramatically different than anything else out there. Team Losi Racing has had a tradition of bringing out a buggy first, followed by a stadium truck shortly thereafter. Fast-forward 8-short months and Team Losi Racing is at it once again, this time bringing 22-style tech to the 1/10-scale Stadium Truck class with the new 22T.
The 22T isn't simply a longer and wider 22 Buggy, oh no, no, no. The 22T RC Truck represents a number of changes and refinements to TLR stadium trucks. Of course, you get the rear and mid-motor configuration options which debuted on the 22, but there's more here to help raise the performance to the next level. The 22T uses a common wheel on each end of the truck thanks to a new bearing-supported front axle design. Other new features include a new front kick plate, longer truck-specific rear shocks and shock towers, new steering spindles and a lot more. We managed to catch up with the Team Losi Racing Development Manager, Todd Hodge, to pick his brain on this latest stadium truck from TLR. If you're into stadium trucks, this is one rig you'll definitely want to check out.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Losi TEN-SCTE Review
Since the arrival of the first 2WD short course truck, there has been a desire for 4WD versions. With 4WD you can generally go faster, hook up more power and can be easier to drive, but getting a 4WD short course truck that handles well, is fast and durable can be a challenge. The folks at Losi have stepped up to the plate with a new variation on their TEN-T platform called the TEN-SCTE. The rolling chassis combines elements of the TEN-T and 810 buggies with a new extended chassis, short course specific front and rear bumpers, and a new motor mount to make what has potential to be one of the best 4WD trucks out there. We were anxious to get some track time with this 4-wheeled wonder and the time has finally come. It's time to strap in and hold on because this is sure to be a wild ride.
Manufacturer: Losi
Part Number(s): LOSB0127
Vehicle Class/Type: 4WD Short Course Truck
Target Audience: Performance and 4WD Off-Road Enthusiasts
Completion Level: Rolling Chassis
As a rolling chassis, getting the TEN-SCTE up and running was fairly simple and straight-forward. I didn't have to do any final building or prepping of the chassis—simply paint the body and install the electronics. Since the TEN-SCTE does not include any electronics, I decided to turn to Team Novak and their Limited Mike Truhe Edition Havoc Pro SC and 4.5T Ballistic motor. This is a tweaked version of the original 4.5T combo that includes a larger 14mm rotor that provides greater torque and lowers the Kv rating slightly. Additionally, this combo also includes a 16-tooth pinion gear; the same size Mike used to win the Cactus Classic. It's a pretty cool setup. I also used a Spektrum DX3R PRO bound to an SR3520 receiver. For steering duties, I turned to the Spektrum SR6040 as it's been my go-to steering servo for some time. Finally, I needed a battery that would be up to the task of powering a 4WD short course truck with a hot motor like the Novak 4.5T Ballistic, and found the perfect one in the Losi Xcelorin 60C 6000mAh packs. These 4WDs draw a ton of current, which could potentially damage lower C-rated cells, but the 60C rating of these packs should be more than up to the task.
After spending some time talking to a few of the Losi team members, I did make two changes to the stock setup. The kit comes out of the box with grease in all three differentials. Looking for a more consistent feel on-track, I decided to flush the grease out and filled the differentials with genuine Losi Silicone Diff Oil instead. I filled the front diff with 5000wt oil and used 3000wt in the center and rear diffs. The other change I made was to the rear suspension mounts. I've been using a set of adjustable mounts on my 8IGHT-E lately and really liked them, so it's good that there's a similar setup now for the TEN-based platforms like the TEN-SCTE. In all fairness, I did set the mounts to the stock position, but reserved the right to change the anti-squat or toe-in later on.
It took me most of the first battery pack just to get used to the TEN-SCTE, but that wasn't because the truck didn't handle well. If you take someone who is used to running 2WD 17.5 classes and throw them behind the wheel of a dirt-throwing, rip-roaring 4WD beast, it's going to require an adjustment period. My first few laps found me over-jumping obstacles, over-driving corners and basically over-driving the truck around the track. Then an amazing thing happened. I started slowing down and backed off the throttle and the truck became easier to drive while turning faster lap times.
With the stock setup, I was a bit surprised how compliant the front suspension was. By that I mean the front end had a lot of travel going on both on- and off-power. I was able to take some of that out through the droop screws in the front arms, but I can see a possible spring and oil change in the near future. I may not be too quick to do this, however, as this additional travel also meant that the TEN-SCTE had a good amount of steering and I am not quite sure I want to hamper that at this point. We shall see.
The Losi gang has worked hard to get the handling of the TEN-SCTE right and they've done a pretty good job. From the box, the handling is relatively neutral with a hint of under-steer; something relatively common between most Losi chassis platforms. If I got on the power too hard I could get the truck sideways and crossed-up, but that was caused more by my getting overly aggressive with the throttle than anything wrong with the chassis.
Top Speed/Acceleration
The one thing about any 4WD chassis is that you can hook up a ridiculous amount of power and the TEN-SCTE doesn't disappoint. Granted, the Novak 4.5T had a lot to do with it, but the driveline and efficiency of the truck also has some say. When you grab a handful of throttle, all four tires claw angrily at the dirt beneath them as the truck launches forward. You definitely don't want to be in its way as it rockets away from you at top speed.
One of the nice things about the TEN-SCTE is that it accelerated so well that I didn't have to worry about carrying a bunch of roll speed through the corners. When you come to jumps or obstacles, you can simply roll up to them, blip the throttle and easily clear the jump in front of you. In-fact, the TEN-SCTE accelerates so well that you may find yourself over-jumping things if you over-power a jump. More on that in a bit.
One of the things the 8IGHT platform is so well-known for is how free-spinning the driveline is. Since the TEN-SCTE uses a scaled-down version of that driveline, it shares this feature with its larger buggy cousin. When you get off of the throttle, it seems like the TEN-SCTE rolls forever. Due to this, you may find yourself having to use more brake than you're typically used to, especially if you're coming to the TEN-SCTE from a stock or 17.5T-powered truck. If you try to rely on some sort of drag brake, you're going to find yourself in the fences when you go into a corner unless you dialed some into the transmitter or ESC. Once I adapted to this, I was able to get into the corners aggressively, nail the brakes, turn-in and get the truck pointed in the right direction. The compliant nature of the front end really helped pull the truck around the corners quite well and the rear end stayed right in line. Turn-in is also not a problem on this truck. I have to say, the Havoc Pro SC added to this performance as the brakes were smooth, powerful and consistent lap after lap. I'm also sure that the larger tuning rotor in the 4.5T Ballistic motor helped generate more stopping power too.
When you get on the gas, as I mentioned above, the TEN-SCTE is a rocket. I did find myself looking for a little better steering on-power initially, but thankfully I was able to reach back to my touring car days for a solution. The TEN-SCTE, like touring cars, 1/8-scale buggies and 1/8-scale truggies, features droop screws in the A-arms. What droop screws do is provide an easy way to change the down-travel of your suspension arms without requiring you to add limiters inside your shocks. They're super easy to use and I was thankful they were here. An on-power under-steer, like I was encountering, is often a sign that there's too much weight being transferred to the rear of the chassis. An easy way to change this is to reduce the amount of down travel of the front A-arms by turning the droop screws in a bit. I turned each front droop screw in one full turn from stock, which made quite a difference. In the end, I took nearly 2-turns of down travel out of the front end to suit my driving style and the truck was much better on-power exiting corners.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Novak Ballistic 4.5T motor is ridiculously fast, especially for someone like me who is more used to running 17.5T motors in 2WD vehicles. Because you have so much power on tap, you need to be more careful as you jump your truck. If you stay on the power too long or try to hit a jump with too much speed, you can easily find yourself in a nose-down tumble on the opposite side of the jump. The TEN-SCTE jumps with a bit of a nose-down attitude to begin with, and staying on the power too long once in the air or hitting a jump with too much speed can exaggerate this issue. Eventually, I found my rhythm around the track; rolling jumps more than trying to punch my way over them and focused more on trying to downside a jump versus simply clearing them. Again, once I slowed down I went faster.
The TEN-SCTE was absolutely worth the wait and I am excited to get even more running time with it. I ran about a dozen batteries through the truck on my test day and it came out relatively unscathed. I didn't install the fan on the Novak Havoc Pro SC ESC initially and the ESC went into a thermal protection mode during the first run, but I brought the truck into the pits, installed the fan, and never had another problem all day long. Consider that lesson learned. The other minor issue I ran into had to do with the motor mount screws vibrating lose on the last run of the day. I'll admit, I didn't check the screws as I ran so it's my own fault, but it was a bummer none-the-less. When I replaced the screws, I used a bit of Losi-Lok thread locking compound and haven't had an issue since.
The TEN-SCTE is an awesome 4WD short course platform and I was very impressed with it. A lot of the credit goes to the Novak Ballistic motor and Havoc Pro SC ESC, but the chassis itself is absolutely capable of running well on any track anywhere. It's well-designed and put together to take even my abuse! The stock Eclipse SCT tires hooked up better than I thought they would; I dare say I could race with these tires in more loamy conditions. The 8IGHT lineage was prevalent all-day-long and I was often reminded of my experience running my 8IGHT-E with the TEN-SCTE. If you're searching for a competition-level 4WD short course truck, your search just ended. I can see this truck winning a lot more races all around the world, leaving you with an important decision: race one...or chase one.
ETSA Park on a Cold July Night
Chuck Thrillseeker & Mike O'R |
The Pole Cat |
Jamie Nancarrow |
Merryweathers in Portrait |
Entourage de la Brenton |
Long-Time fliers Mike & Eric |
Father and Son |
Already, Nationally leading helicopter expert, Hamish Scott, has agreed to demonstrate his ability – the ability that has carried him to the outstanding title of “one of the best in Australia.” Hamish, I hope, will be joined by Model Flight’s new-model test pilot, Matthew Waye, himself one of the leading fixed wing and helicopter pilots in the country and these two gentlemen on their own will be well worthy of your viewing. The Manageress of the ETSA Park Stadium, Nadine Hewson is opening the bar for this occasion and a large number of fliers and spectators should make it one of our biggest nights so far.
Please keep that in mind – in September, a change of date means we fly on the last Thursday night – not our usual third. See you then in all your glory.
Your friendly Phoenix.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Parkzone's Ultra Micro F-27Q Stryker 180
Just Announced here is a great glimpse of Parkzone's latest release...the F-27Q Stryker 180!
Take Stryker thrills with you wherever you go with the Ultra Micro Series F-27Q Stryker 180. It packs the punch of an E-flite® 3000Kv 180 brushless outrunner motor that delivers exhilarating speed and climb performance, just like the big> F-27Q. It also has functional twin rudders so you can push the limits with extreme aerobatic maneuvers like flat spins, snap rolls, blenders and more. Perhaps best of all, you get this awesome performance without having to sacrifice any of the smooth, predictable flight characteristics that have made every Stryker a sport pilot favourite.
Losi XXX-SCB Review
Short course trucks have reinvigorated the 1/10-scale off-road scene over the last few years, drawing more and more people into our wonderful hobby. Like anything that gets mega-popular though, you eventually reach a level where it starts to burn itself out or leave people longing for the next new thing. Losi is hoping to have the answer in something that is different enough to catch your eye, but still familiar enough to provide a connection to something wildly fun. I'm of course talking about the new Losi XXX-SCB, or short course buggy.
The XXX-SCB combines the looks and feel of a 2WD buggy with the size and handling of a short course truck. This is a combination that Losi hopes will help the appeal of this new platform as it shares most of its parts between both vehicles, making it easier for someone to own one of each and not have to carry around unique parts. The narrow chassis and lower profile front shock tower gives the XXX-SCB a different look and stance, along with the potential to provide a different feel in the steering department. I had a chance to drive one at RCX 2011 in Pomona and was really looking forward to heading to the track with one to test out. The wait is over as I now have a XXX-SCB of my own and am ready to hit the track.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
An Evening Flying Indoors At ETSA Park
Another video clip from Chuck Thrillseeker - this time at our Indoor flying event at ETSA Park! A great crowd this month and a great array of planes and helis!
Parkzone RAF SE5a - The Maiden
Thanks again to Chuck "Thrillseeker" for this video of his maiden flight of the brand new Parkzone SE5a WW1 RC Plane! It looks great and here's what he thought....
"Here's the video of the maiden of the SE-5a and may i just say WOW! What a great flyer this plane is, Corinne took all the footage used in this video I just edited it and I can say there is some great footage in it, some of the shots you would think your at an air show watching a WW1 plane fly by. It lands and takes off easy, yes after a couple of batteries i would have to say IMHO this is the easiest of all the big Parkzone planes to fly, thank you so much for mine! Enjoy the maiden video"
He has also sent us these great pics:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Blade 450 3D and Spektrum DX7s.mp4
Our Friend Hamish Scott at the SARCH heli club on Saturday with the Blade 450 and NEW Spektrum DX7s!! Great Vid Hamish, thanks!
Monday, July 25, 2011
ParkZone Ultra Micro Pole Cat Preview
The Ultra Micro Series Pole Cat is modeled after the modifi¬ed Cassutt Formula 1 air racers that compete in the world famous Reno Air Race. It’s been specially designed to deliver all the looks and thrills of these Reno speedsters yet remain as forgiving as any sport plane. Whether you’re banking and yanking around the pylons with the throttle wide open, unwinding with some sport aerobatics, or simply shooting touch and goes, the Pole Cat is a joy to fly at any speed.
We meet with Seth Arnold in studio to look at the new Ultra Micro Pole Cat. This new racer looks great from any angle and really delivers in the air. From high banked turns to basic aerobatics, it has it where it counts. So take a look and see what the new Pole Cat from ParkZone is all about.
by John Redman, Horizon Hobby UK
Sunday, July 24, 2011
ParkZone Mk IX Spitfire Preview
The Supermarine Spitfire is an icon of British grit and determination. Its fluid lines seem to blend art with aerodynamics. ParkZone has brilliantly captured the power and grace of the Spitfire with this remarkably scale, brushless Mk IX replica. The Mk IX was developed by Supermarine in 1942 to counter the threat posed by the Focke Wulf 190. It also has the distinction of being the first Allied warplane to shoot down an Me-262 jet.
We met with Matt Andren in studio to discuss this new addition to the ParkZone War bird line-up. Ready to accept retracts out of the box with incredible scale detail and great looks, this model is sure to please. Take a look at the panel lines, molded radiator details, antenna mast and other appointments that make this Spitfire stand alone from others on the market.
Friday, July 22, 2011
ParkZone F-27Q Stryker Review
Designed by world aerobatic champion Quique Somenzini, the F-27Q Stryker delivers a thrilling blend of speed and aerobatic precision that’s unlike anything else in its class. Its fiberglass-reinforced Z-Foam airframe has been designed to handle abrupt wing loading changes at high speeds. This, combined with its more powerful 480 brushless power system and twin rudders, gives you an extra dimension of aerobatic fun you won’t find with any other flight-ready flying wing. Flat spins, blenders, snaps, knife edge—the F-27Q does it all with the same smooth, predictable handing that’s made every Stryker a sport flying favourite.
We time the build and radio setup to see how long it takes to get us to the flying field. We show you some great flying footage and some of the maneuvers the new Stryker can deliver. After a few batteries at the flying field, we close up the review in studio. This is one hot model you want to grab up while you can. Nothing beats a Stryker!
by John Redman, Horizon Hobby US
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
VIC vs. SA Challenge Results in Mildura
Congratulations to the South Australian Pattern Association for a great victory over Victoria!! the guys took out the SA vs. VIC Challenge 23 points to 21!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Hangar 9 33% Pawnee Review
We met up with Peter Goldsmith at the JR® Aero Tow to discuss this great new model— some of the many features are the sliding motor box mounting system, fully scale and shock absorbing landing gear, opening cockpit doors, drooped wingtips, and so much more. The incredible attention to detail in certain areas will definitely put this one above this rest. It's definitely on my list to grab up! So check out the video and watch the Pawnee do some Aero Towing at the same time; it was actually happening right behind us at the very moment we were interviewing with Peter. Great guy and cool plane— check it out.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
ParkZone P-47D Retract Installation How To
ParkZone has brought The Jug to life with this great flying scale recreation that comes out of the box with details like a simulated radial engine, molded panel lines and a realistic 404th Fighter Group paint scheme. It’s even set up to let you easily add the option of functional flaps and retractable landing gear. And you can bet it flies every bit as good as it looks. The 15-size brushless motor and E-flite 30A Pro brushless ESC that are installed for you will provide more than enough power for high-speed strafing runs and sport aerobatics.
The first ParkZone warbird to have the option of retracts is here. We show you what it takes to make that gear go up and down with the addition of the E-flite electric retracts. From the necessary parts and tools, we take you step by step through the installation process. Now you too can pull the gear into the wheel wells immediately after takeoff. Flying that next sortie with the gear in the up position always gives the full effect, and we show you how. Stop in and take a look!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Parkzone UMS Pole Cat Review
Another great Un-boxing and Review from Chuck Thrillseeker....can't wait to see what's next!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
How-To Install Losi's Micro 2.4GHz Conversion
When we first interviewed Todd Hodge about the 1/24-scale Micro Rally Car and Micro Short Course Truck, he hinted there might be a Spektrum 2.4GHz and brushless conversion coming sometime down the road. That time is now here as Losi has an all-in-one Spektrum 2.4GHz conversion kit that can be used with both brushed and brushless motors. There are two different conversions available; one that simply converts your vehicle to Spektrum Technology, and a second that also includes a brushless motor. Losi has also managed to design the components so they not only fit in the 1/24-scale chassis, but also in the smaller 1/36-chassis such as the Micro-T and Micro-Desert Truck.
Frank Root has been intimately involved with this project since the very beginning. Frank joins us in a pair of videos to show you how to install these systems in your chassis. Frank walks you through the disassembly process of how to remove the stock radio gear and motor, how the new gear gets installed and how to setup and bind your system to your radio. There are two different videos to help you with this installation for both the 1/24 and 1/36-scale chassis.
1/24th Scale:
1/36th Scale:
Friday, July 8, 2011
Electrix RC Boost 2WD Buggy Review
There's no denying that Electrix RC has absolutely nailed the entry-level audience with their two previous vehicles, the Circuit Stadium Truck and the Ruckus 2WD Monster Truck, since they're incredibly easy to setup, user friendly and most importantly, fun machines to simply go out and bash around with. Their latest project, the Boost™ 2WD Buggy, looks to capitalize on the rebirth of the 2WD electric buggy class and provide one of the easiest ways to get into RC.
The Boost doesn’t reinvent the wheel so much as it continues down the path the Circuit and Ruckus blazed before it. Constructed out of durable composites and including absolutely everything someone would need to get started right in the box, the Boost has incredible potential. We packed up our gear and headed out to Eli Field, the same location that we reviewed both the Circuit and the Ruckus, and had an afternoon of fun.
Speed Specs
Vehicle: Boost Buggy
Part Numbers: ECX3000 (Orange); ECX3100 (Blue)
Vehicle Class/Type: 1/10-scale 2WD Buggy
Target Audience: Entry Level and Sportsman off-road enthusiasts
Completion Level: RTR
With my busy schedule, I don't always have the time to sit down and build a kit like I might want. That's where I really appreciate the ease and convenience that the Boost (and all Electrix RC vehicles) offers. Getting started and setup with the Boost is super-easy. Simply pull the car out of the box, insert the receiver antenna into the antenna tube, install the antenna and included AA's into the transmitter, charge up the 1800mAh Dynamite Speedpack, and you're ready for fun. This approach is extremely hassle-free, putting the emphasis on you being able to get out and run your vehicle instead of having to set aside time to build it.
I headed back to Eli Field with our videographer Jack in tow. I haven't driven on the track since the filming of the Ruckus review and Lee Morrison had changed the track slightly; slowing things down a bit by removing the sweeper on the left-hand side of the track and replacing it with a pair of hairpin turns. We had also been experiencing near-record temperatures and the surface of the track was extremely dry and powdery. While I had a chance to drive a Boost at RCX 2011, it was on a much tackier surface with more bite. I had a feeling that I would need to be a bit more gentle on the throttle for these track conditions, but knew I'd be in for a whole heaping pile of fun.
The bone-dry conditions of the track were a bit of a concern to me since I didn't know how well the Boost would hook up. The fact that the track was pretty loamy off-line told me that this would present a challenge. From the first pull of the trigger, I was impressed with the zippiness of the Boost around the track, floored at how well it jumped and appreciative of the overall forgiving nature of the car.
Admittedly, the track at Eli Field isn't overly technical or covered with monster jumps; however, it was certainly enough of a challenge to see what the Boost's capabilities were. On this surface, the Boost had a bit of a pushy tendency, something that is better for a beginner than a car that swaps ends. While it was welcome on most parts of the track, I really could have used more steering in the two new hairpins. I tried to tap the brakes to slow down and swing the rear end around and was instantly reminded that my "pulsing" of the brakes won't work with the Boost. there isn't a delay before reverse kicks in. It only bit me a few times but, at least out of the box, my normal powering into a corner, pulsing the brakes, and powering out wouldn't work. With the Boost pulsing the brakes would cause reverse to kick in at the least opportune time. I did find however, that if I took a more flowing, smoother line around the corner I could get the Boost around quite nicely and quickly.
Perhaps the area of the track where the Boost impressed me the most was the step-up jump/right-hand hairpin/jump down section on the right side of the track. This part of the track has gotten a little rutted from larger 4WD short course trucks and 1/8-scale buggies, but the Boost handled it like a champ. Actually, that's an understatement as the Boost consistently took the step up, hard right and step down almost as good as my "race 2WD" does. The Boost was very sure-footed and only occasionally stepped out of line if I got on the power too hard.
While the Boost uses the same 20-turn motor as the Ruckus and Circuit, the gurus at Electrix RC have been really good at taking the size of the wheels and tires into consideration and providing a different pinion gear depending on the destination vehicle. The Boost, having smaller tires than either the Circuit or Ruckus, utilizes a larger 20-tooth pinion gear. This yields decent top speed that felt pretty similar to its larger cousins. While the track was rather dusty and dry, I would say that, if anything, acceleration felt a little crisper than the trucks. I think the fact that the Boost is an overall lighter vehicle helps in this instance since the motor doesn't have to propel as large of a vehicle. Like the Ruckus and the Circuit before it, I found the Boost to have enough speed to be fun for a beginner without being difficult to drive.
The Boost is setup with a bias towards a mellow or balanced feel from the box and that was really evident off-power, particularly in the tight 180-degree sections of the track. I could get the car loose off-power if I dialed more steering into the transmitter, but I really didn't care for that feel. I turned the steering throw down just enough to get the car through most of the turns without swapping ends while still having enough steering to get around the course. The Boost did relatively well off-power, however, I could have used a little more steering in the tight 180-degree turns off of the front stretch. Being able to have brakes instead of going automatically into reverse would have made things easier for me personally, but for the target audience that the Boost is intended for, I think that majority of those drivers would rather have reverse than brakes.
When I first saw the tread pattern for the rear tires that the Boost would be coming with, I thought there was a lot of potential here. The block pattern was small enough to hook up well on harder packed tracks while still being large enough to be able to bite into loose dirt, gravel or other surfaces that the Boost is sure to see. The rubber is a harder compound for increased tread life, but they still hooked up quite well in these conditions. I was able to get the car sideways or out of shape if I got on the gas too aggressively, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. Much like the off-power characteristics on-power, the Boost seemed to slide the front tires a bit when on-power, but it wasn't too bad. If anything, it helped provide a bit of confidence that I could get off the gas and have the car follow the line I wanted versus chasing the rear end.
If there's one area that the Boost really impressed me, it was in how well it jumped. Let me be totally clear here, the Boost isn't a race buggy, but it sure jumps like one. From the approach, takeoff and landing, the Boost was totally predictable and a joy to drive. While I could manipulate the chassis in-air if need be, I never really had a need to. This was all with the Boost featuring the out-of-the-box setup regarding pre-load and ride height. In fact, I'm trying to recall one time when the Boost got out of shape taking off or landing and I can't think of one. It was a very pleasant surprise and one of the highlights of driving the Boost.
Out-of-the-Box Setup
I expected the Boost to drive very similarly to the Circuit and, for the most part it did, but it didn't at the same time. Here's what I mean… The Circuit was really forgiving to drive, very fun, durable and had a decent amount of speed. The Boost had all of these same features but just seemed like it was amped up a bit. The Boost felt more precise and had a more direct feeling and felt faster around the track. I was also a bit shocked that, if memory of the Circuit serves me right, the Boost also felt like it jumped better too. This isn't a condemnation of the Circuit as it's more of praise for the Boost that it was a more nimble vehicle. Thinking it through, this makes total sense as buggies normally are more precise and nimble than their stadium truck cousins, and this totally translated with the Boost.
The Boost is exactly what it is set out to be; a fast, fun, durable and good handling buggy. I think the biggest endorsement for the Boost was something that happened after the camera stopped rolling. I handed the transmitter off to our videographer, Jack, so he could get some laps in as I took some photos for our Facebook page with my cell phone. Jack has some previous RC experience, but I think even he'd admit he's far from a hardcore RC guy. It took just a lap or two for him to find his comfort level as he started turning better and better laps. This is exactly what we need in RC and what the Boost delivers. Much like how the Blade mCX-series of helis provide people the right first-step into the world of RC flight, the Boost provides the right first-step into the world of RC cars. I know I've said it over and over, but the Electrix RC vehicles in-general, and the Boost specifically, are the ideal sort of vehicles to get anyone into the hobby quickly and easily. Everything is here to provide the perfect foundation to build upon as you grow and develop your skills. I know my kids have been bugging me to take them with me to the racetrack and I've been hesitant to let them drive my personal race machines. The Boost from Electrix RC, however, is the perfect fit for their needs and I look forward to watching them have a blast.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
June 2011 at ETSA Park with 'The Phoenix'
An excellent gathering of fliers broached the cold winter-ish weather to attend our June Indoor Meeting at the very popular S.A. Netball Stadium at Mile End, an inner Adelaide suburb when, once again we were able to witness a fine mixture of indoor flying models.
Michael, no more a relation to Mike O’Reilly than Vin Pike is to Vincent Van Gogh, is one of our more avid fliers and arrived in his usual style – surrounded by boxes of models that you see beside him while flying. He rarely wastes time, apart from re-charging his many battery packs and has just about bought every micro model that is on offer at Model Flight on Goodwood Road. These tiny models, all foam with an enormous turn of speed are out in force on each of the third Thursdays that we fly each month. There is an exception to that for, in September, we are switching to the last Thursday in the month to be a part of the Cruising Classic Events which are a part of the vast programme of events that are organized by the Bay to Birdwood Rally Officials.
On that night, the 29th September we will be known in the official programme of events as “Indoor Fliers On Parade” and, whilst we are hoping for a full compliment of participants, I shall tell you more of that when we get nearer to the date. My next picture highlights some of the people who will be part of that evening.
We all know that it is quite normal to see a parrot fly overhead, but, this strange creature that you see here, resting on the highly polished floor of ETSA Stadium is also known as a Parrot. I normally have a reasonable sense of imagination but it is really lacking somewhat when I try and relate the name “Parrot” to this strange flying machine. It is a multi-engined conglomeration that has one of the most amazing performances that one could see. Its flight is controlled from an I-phone or I-pad and the steadiness of its flight just has to be seen to be believed.

In my second photo, the aircraft is actually hovering and will remain in that position until the operator gives it another command from his phone. When Model Flight brought their first shipment to the shelves, Manager Brad was a little dubious about its rate of sale. This was proved to be unfounded for they did sell like the proverbial hot cakes. If you are sufficiently fortunate to operate an I-phone or pad, then this will be your scene and the centre of your entertainment. Go for it.
I mentioned Michael’s many boxes and this photo shows the type of contents that we often see as he opens them in preparation to flying. This is the delightful Sukhoi – 26xp. So perfect in every respect.
These are not for the faint hearted nor for the VERY old Pensioners for an alert eye is required to keep up with their speed of performance. My final picture (below) this month shows one of the “almost” elderly Pensioners who does have the necessary vision for Micro Flying – this is not surprising as he regularly flies Jet aircraft and other quite rapid models. I speak of Vin Pike who, whilst normally pelting a “Four-site” around the flying area, is seen here with his new “Extra 300.”Publish Post
In July, dear readers, we will gather for communion on the 21st July and, being slap bang in the middle of winter, it is suggested that you drag on your woolen undies for your trip to ETSA Park and make your entrance fairly rapid from the warmth of your air conditioning in your motor vehicle to the cool indoors of the stadium. As it is only from 8-30p.m. to 10-30p.m. your will only be away from your vehicle for two short hours, provided that you make your packing up quick and thorough at 10-30p.m. As you may have commenced flying as early as eight oclock, why not start packing up at 10-25p.m.
I look forward to us all meeting again on that night.
La Fenice’
(The Phoenix to you ignorant ones.}
In my second photo, the aircraft is actually hovering and will remain in that position until the operator gives it another command from his phone. When Model Flight brought their first shipment to the shelves, Manager Brad was a little dubious about its rate of sale. This was proved to be unfounded for they did sell like the proverbial hot cakes. If you are sufficiently fortunate to operate an I-phone or pad, then this will be your scene and the centre of your entertainment. Go for it.
I mentioned Michael’s many boxes and this photo shows the type of contents that we often see as he opens them in preparation to flying. This is the delightful Sukhoi – 26xp. So perfect in every respect.
These are not for the faint hearted nor for the VERY old Pensioners for an alert eye is required to keep up with their speed of performance. My final picture (below) this month shows one of the “almost” elderly Pensioners who does have the necessary vision for Micro Flying – this is not surprising as he regularly flies Jet aircraft and other quite rapid models. I speak of Vin Pike who, whilst normally pelting a “Four-site” around the flying area, is seen here with his new “Extra 300.”Publish Post
In July, dear readers, we will gather for communion on the 21st July and, being slap bang in the middle of winter, it is suggested that you drag on your woolen undies for your trip to ETSA Park and make your entrance fairly rapid from the warmth of your air conditioning in your motor vehicle to the cool indoors of the stadium. As it is only from 8-30p.m. to 10-30p.m. your will only be away from your vehicle for two short hours, provided that you make your packing up quick and thorough at 10-30p.m. As you may have commenced flying as early as eight oclock, why not start packing up at 10-25p.m.
I look forward to us all meeting again on that night.
La Fenice’
(The Phoenix to you ignorant ones.}
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