It is too late now for me to tell you that your wives would like “The Beast” for Christmas, so I guess you’ll all have to go and buy one for yourself. I have included a picky of the gorgeous little aircraft, again just to whet your appetites a little more. I cannot heap sufficient praise on this little beauty as one of the best models of this type to come from Horizon Hobbies in the USA and the best thing to come to ETSA Park so come and look for yourself. Not really for the beginner as Matthew Waye showed all present on this night, there are few manoeuvres that The Beast cannot accomplish. especially in Matty’s super skilful hands.
My final picture is of expert indoor flyer, J.J. and a flying mate of his. I don’t know who cracked the funny, but golleeee, they were out of control. The Blade helis are still proving to be ultra popular from the smallest MCX through the 120 SR to the Blade 400 which is the largest permitted helicopter at Indoor and it is pleasing to see the progress that Greg and others through their perseverance are making. Keep up the magnificent job chaps – well done. I have been holding back on the publication of this month’s story dear readers because we have not had our programme for 2011 confirmed by the ETSA Park Netball association manager. We are fairly confident that it will be and that we will still meet on the third Thursday of each month from 8.30pm to 10.30pm with no change in the costs. However, when available, the good people at Model Flight on Goodwood Road will post a notice to that affect.
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