Friday, October 7, 2011

Indoor at ETSA Park – September 29th.

This was a special night, for we of the Indoor Flying Movement became an integral part of the famous Bay to Birdwood Motor Rally. With over 1800 Entries it has become the largest event of its type in the world and, for the first time in its history, we were one of their subsidiary events, known as “Cruising Classics.” We wanted this to be a night to remember and with the main highlight of our programme being Hamish Scott and his Blade 450 helicopter with a fascinating programme of full-on aerobatics, it was just that for nearly 90 people who had not witnessed this type of flying, either indoor or outside, before. Hamish wowed them in the aisles.  To watch Hamish in action you can view the video here:

Special homage and appreciation was paid to the O’Reilly family for their dedication to indoor flying, beginning many years ago with rubber-powered models to ultra modern fixed-wing and helicopters of composite materials and the infamous 2 Ghz frequency of today.

My first picture shows a family group engrossed in every movement of the two micro helicopters that were being put through their paces so expertly by both Hamish Scott and Matthew Waye – they tried hard not to miss a single manoeuvre and, with the manner in which these two pilots were flying, that was nigh impossible. The concentration by both Hamish and Matty is depicted in my next picture.

When the Whiteline 3-1/2 metre long Road Train’s 48 wheels had come to a stop, and its one thousand dollar surreal sound system had rested, Hamish demonstrated his superb control of the Blade 450 by making a delightful landing on the roof of the road train’s refrigerator trailer. An act that met with much applause from the most grateful audience, both young and old.

By this time in the evening, the younger set were as excited as though they were awaiting the arrival of Father Christmas on December 25. Through the generosity of Model Flight with the donation of a radio-controlled Mini Cooper as a Door Prize, it was nearly time for the draw. Our good friend, Simon Morris had issued all people with a ticket in this prize on their arrival at the Netball Stadium, later confirming that he had greeted 73 people with a ticket. It was most fitting that the prize should be a Mini Cooper, for the favoured make of car in the large rally this year was, in fact, the Mini Cooper as it was the 50th Anniversary of their release to the World. My final picture is that of the winners, Geoff and Cynthia Chase of Colonel Light Gardens and, although it was disappointing for the keen youngsters who had hoped for a win, Geoff and Cynthia had entered and competed in each of the 11 Special Events, as well as the actual B to B Rally.

The 20-plus fliers who turned up on the night have my sincere thanks for their efforts on the night, for we truly gave the non-flying mob a night to remember. Maybe we can do it again in two years time for the next Classic Bay to Birdwood Motor Rally and its followers.

A huge thank you from – The Phoenix.

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